Monday, April 6, 2009


49—year—old woman falls eight floors to her death

Seriously, i keep wondering why there is so much cases about woman fall to death while keeping clothes or cleaning the window... Conclusion 1) They are petite 2) Not strong enough to hold the bamboo pole which fill up with a lot of clothes (very heavy okay! i try that before) 3) Never balance properly. Either one of these may cause falling over... I seriously don't understand why, if you can't carry it, don't do it! It not worth costing your life away because of some damn stupid clothes. if it pole drop then let it drop, the most go downstairs and grab it then go back and wash again... If your house got guys, ask them to help. And for the guys, (be it husband or son) why can't you guys just help your poor mother or wife to take the clothes in??? Don't say that man don't do laundry or what! Don't try behave like one stupid MCP, you guys should help!! you think we woman are all wonder woman? What happen if your mother or wife not around? You still have to do your own laundry lppl... Helping up doesn't cause you to lost your skin or whatsoever... Moreover, your mother or wife will appreciate for your help.

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