Monday, June 15, 2009

A White Dicky

After 4days of hell, finally i'm off for 2 days... :D This evening, i saw something hilarious.. I was walking towards the Immigration Counter @ T1 after my flight, i saw this ang-moh guy were walking towards my direction on the travelator and why he caught my attention, because he look real drunk... and HE WAS PEE-ING!!!!!! @_@

Yes.. he was peeing on the travelator all the way.. and his pee was really alot! lol!!! and i actually saw his white dicky.. omg... *that image was still running in my mind now.. whahahahahhah!!! * Anyway, i got a shock, so i told my colleague that ang-mo was pee-ing.. and when 1 of my colleague try to inform the ground staffs (*which was walking behind that wasted ang-moh) that that guy was pee-ing... but the ground staffs did nothing... -__- after that, we actually saw 2 airport police, my colleague told them the same thing... BUT!!! the airport police did nothing too!!!! -_______________- i wonder why.... either they can't be bother or they were too shock to react to this kind of crazy stuffs..

So to whoever is reading this.. next time when you are travelling on the travelator at ANY airports or anywhere, please do not lend against the side.. cause you might not know whether is there anyone actually just urinated there. :P

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轉機 - 潘瑋柏